Photographing Plants in Black and White

Photographing plants in detail in black and white revealing their detail.
Photographs take with the Fuji X-H1.
Photographing plants in detail in black and white revealing their detail.
At some point, if you live in Norfolk and enjoy the odd snap or two with your camera, you’ll end up at St Mary’s Church ruins to photograph the witch’s stump.
The unique sight created by Heppe Hein of fire existing inside water.
While walking along the cliff at Cart Gap Beach in Norfolk, I noticed this face looking out in the cliff to the sea. I have been back since but this section has already been eroded and the face no longer…
Wandering around Sheringham with my camera just looking for images and I liked this due to the wide tonality. I think Ansel would approve.
A bursting poppy seed head, photographed and converted to black and white. A simple image that feels right to me.